It's that time of year again - the LMA Annual Conference rolls around in just a few short weeks! It's a great opportunity to make new friends and renew relationships, so I thought I'd keep a list of those attending as I'm advised, as well as their Twitter names (so anyone interested in the conference who can't attend can follow along). Also, don't forget to follow #LMA2010 and #LMA10. Heather Milligan will be posting information about a tweetup only on Twitter:
Lindsay Griffiths (@lindsaygriffith)
Nancy Myrland (@nancymyrland)
Heather Milligan (@heathermilligan)
Nat Slavin (@natslavin)
Gail Lamarche (@gaillamarche)
Lance Godard (@lancegodard)
Jennifer Schaller (@natlawreview)
Nathan Darling (@nathandarling)
Megan McKeon (@meganmckeon)
Leigh George (@leighgeorge)
Caroline Baynes (@senyab)
Andre Mazerolle (@redbeardandre)
Russell Lawson (@Russ23229)
Jayne Navarre (@jaynenavarre)
Larry Bodine (@larrybodine)
Gina Rubel (@ginarubel)
John Byrne (@johnmbyrne)
Jeff Yerkey (@JeffBob)
Rebecca Wissler (@rebeccawissler)
Felice Wagner (@felicewagner)
Stephanie Thum (@stephaniethum)
Jennifer Johnson (@jjohnsonnyc)
Jonathan Groner (@jgronerpr)
Brian Pitts (@chicagoprpro)
Lydia Bednerik (@lydiabednerik)
Jill Clark Rako (@aceismyname)
Jon Holden (@holdencalgary)
Sally Schmidt (@sallyschmidt)
Ritchenya Dodd
Josephine Pope (@popejosephine)
Sonny Cohen (@SonnyCohen)
Marc Hollander (@marcthollander)
Nancy Slome (@nancyslome)
Alli Gerkman (@gerkmana)
Lisa Simon (@legalmediagirl)
Adrian Lurssen (@jdtwitt, @jdsupra)
Bill Ferdinand (@zunpartners)
Meghan Freeman (@meghanefreeman)
Corey Garver (@coreygarver)
Betsi Roach (@betsiroach)
Melanie Green (@melaniegreen)
Denise Dewling (@ddewling)
Kate Scoptur (@katescoptur)
Mark Elliott (@elliottmarkc)
Kevin Houchin (@kevinhouchin)
Jamie B. Field (@jaimiefield) *Not attending, but would like to get to know LMA members better!
Susannah BG (@susannahBG)
Alin Wagner-Lahmy (@alinwagnerlahmy)
Craig Levinson (@craiglevinson)
Mike O'Horo (@salescoach)
Patrick DiDomenico (@lawyerkm)
Caitlin Fisher (@caitlinmfisher)
Lindsay Weber (@lindsayweb)
John Stanley (@johnlstanley)
Patrick Fuller (@pjfuller)
Steve Bell (@stevembell)
Tim Corcoran (@tcorcoran)
Paramjit Mahli (@scglprnetwork)
Jeff Roberts (@jeffreymroberts)
Laura Gutierrez (@duetsblog)
Chris Fritsch (@crmsuccess)
Kate Haueisen (@kateh32)
Rachael Loper (@rachaeldc)
Chris Whitmore (@chris_whitmore)
Jenn Bullett (@hubbardone)
Tamara Bigford (@bsocialllc)
I'll add other attendees and their Twitter names as I'm advised of them!
Should politics be off the table on LinkedIn?
2 weeks ago
Lindsay! How could you forget me? @Russ23229 (Russell Lawson). Also Jayne... @jaynenavarre. We're running a panel with Heather on Social Media Plans.
ReplyDeleteOops! Sorry about that Russell! I've fixed it now. I'm looking forward to the panel!
ReplyDeleteI'll be at LMA Denver along with the glowing results of my new diet. Jeff Yerkey, Right Hat LLC @JeffBob
ReplyDeleteI will be there from DC (if the snow ever melts). @jgronerpr
ReplyDeleteI'll be there and ready to announce this year's Your Honor Award winners!!! @jjohnsonNYC (Jennifer Johnson)
ReplyDeleteDenver in March? What the heck. I'll be there and commenting @SonnyCohen
ReplyDeleteDefinitely... add me to the list, please! @nancyslome
ReplyDeleteMorning Lindsay! I will be there representing Bennett Jones from Calgary, Alberta again this year! Look forward to meeting the rest of you as well.
ReplyDelete- Jon Holden, Bennett Jones LLP
Hi everyone - thanks for letting me know you're attending! I've added everyone's names and Twitter handles, where applicable. I spoke with Mark Beese last night, and he said he has details about the tweetup, which he and Heather will be sharing on Twitter. Make sure to follow #LMA10 to find out where and when to meet!
ReplyDeleteLindsay, thanks so much for doing this! I can't wait to see old friends, and make new ones, as well as to LiveTweet the sessions we are attending to help those back home who can't attend. See you all very soon!
ReplyDeleteHi Lindsay, thanks for making this list. Please add @zunpartners (Bill Ferdinand) from Chicago.
ReplyDeleteLindsay, count me in. Denise Dewling, Tydings & Rosenberg, Baltimore. @ddewling
ReplyDeleteThanks for letting me know - I've made the updates to the list!
ReplyDeleteLindsay - Thank you so much for including me, but unfortunately, I am not going this year - please feel free to leave my name and twitter handle up since I am interested in connecting with all my fellow Legal Marketers until I can meet them next time :) Oops - and please change the spelling of my twitter handle: @jaimiefield (two i's)
ReplyDeleteJaimie B. Field, Esq.
Hi Jaimie - thanks for letting me know! I'll make the edits and indicate that you're not attending but would like to get to know everyone better!
ReplyDeleteThanks for putting this together! I will also be attending. Look forward to seeing everyone there! @SusannahBG
ReplyDeleteFeel free to add us to the list. We'll be attending:
ReplyDelete@craiglevinson (Craig Levinson)
@salescoach (Mike O'Horo)
Craig Levinson
Twitter: @craiglevinson
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